Calendar of Opportunities!


Presbytery Women in the Synod of the Northeast Caring and Sharing Schedule

Proposed 2023-2026 Meeting Dates Via Zoom


September      24        Sunday            8-9 PM            Triennial Re-Cap, What’s happening in Synod

October           14        Saturday         9 AM- Noon      Annual Meeting

October 21-22                                     live                  Synod Come to the Table @ Silver Bay


January           7          Sunday            8-9 PM            Together in Service

March             10        Sunday            8-9 PM            Justice/Peace

May                 19        Sunday            8-9 PM            Bible / Book Study

August            8-11                             live/hybrid      Churchwide Gathering

September      28        Saturday         9 AM- Noon      Annual Meeting / Churchwide Re-Cap

October           25-26                           live                  Synod Assembly (not yet confirmed)

November       17        Sunday            8-9 PM            Diversity


January           5          Sunday            8-9 PM            Together in Service

Mar                 9          Sunday            8-9 PM            Justice/Peace

May                 4          Sunday            8-9 PM            Bible / Book Study

September      14        Saturday         9 AM-Noon     Annual Meeting – Hybrid in Central NY

November       2          Sunday            8-9 PM            Diversity


January           4          Sunday            8-9 PM            Together in Service

March             8          Sunday            8-9 PM            Justice/Peace

May                 3          Sunday            8-9 PM            Bible / Book Study and Diversity

????                 ??                                live                  PWSNE Triennial

For additional information, registration forms, PWP events, etc. contact the Presbytery Moderators or Coordinating Team

Click  this Link to Presbyterian Women Newsletter  (up to third quarter 2020)

and PW NewsBytes

Observe Orange Day
– On the 25th day of every month as part of the international campaign to end violence against women and girls.

The PW “Wear Orange” bandana is generously sized (22″ x 22″) and all cotton. Why orange? Because orange is th ecolor for raising awareness about domestic violence, particularly as this violence impacts women and girls around the world. Wear this bandana on Orange Day (the 25th of every month); when you work to raise awareness (and funds) for a local domestic violence shelter or speak to church or community groups about what they can do to stop violence against women; or as a way to spread the word to friends about this issue. Or simply wear this bandana to stand in solidarity with women and girls around the world who deal with this issue.These bandanas are $5.00 each and can be ordered on the Presbyterian Women’s website. Go to the website and type Orange Day in the search.

Annual Recurring Deadlines
Jan. 15 Deadline for Women of Faith endorsements
March 1,
September 1
  • Articles due to the Lighthouse Editor
  • Calendar dates due to the Moderator
When ready for distribution …Annual Reports due to PWS from PWP Moderators sent to the Secretary
Mar. 15, Jun 15,
Sept. 15, Dec. 15
Quarterly Pledges due to  Treasurer
As incurredPWSNE expense vouchers due to Treasurer
Mar. 15, Jun 15,
Sept. 15, Dec. 15
Quarterly Churchwide Pledge Payments due to Central Receiving and PWS Treasurer
May 1PWP Directory due to Churchwide Program Assistant
Annual business meetingAnnual Reports due to PWS from PWP Moderators, sendto the Secretary

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